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Declare Independence from Woke

Writer's picture: Awake AmericansAwake Americans

Our June 12th launch event "Woke 101; Is Marxism in America?" at the beautiful Hotel Arista was a smashing success. The feedback and reviews of our launch event have been off the charts positive. It was a truly enlightening experience for all of us.

We are so humbled Noelle Mering, Dr. James Lindsay, and Xi Van Fleet accepted our invitations to speak.

Noelle Mering is a fellow at the Washington D.C. based think tank, the Ethics and Public Policy Center. She is the author of the book, Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology , co-author of the Theology of Home book series and an editor for the website She has published in National Review, Newsweek, The Federalist, The American Mind, The Epoch Times, Catholic World Report, and National Catholic Register and has been featured several times on Fox News, EWTN, and Relevant Radio. Noelle has an MA in philosophy and is a wife and mother of six children in Southern California.

An American-born author, mathematician, and atheist, Dr. James Lindsay has written six books spanning a range of subjects including religion, the philosophy of science and postmodern theory. He is a leading expert on Critical Race Theory, which leads him to reject it completely. He is the founder of New Discourses and author of Race Marxism and The Marxification of Education. He has amassed over 378,000 followers on Twitter and over 115,000 YouTube subscribers -See "Groomer Schools" and "Theology of Marxism". James recently spoke at Oxford and the European Parliament "Woke Conference".

Xi Van Fleet, a Loudoun County Virginia mother, starting pushing back against Critical Race Theory during School Board meetings two years ago and her testimony was impactful. An immigrant from China, Xi grew up during Mao’s Marxist Cultural Revolution, and she described Critical Race Theory as the indoctrination of children. What she was seeing in her county schools reminded her of what she witnessed growing up in Mao’s China. Xi came to the United States in 1986, when she was 26. She is actively sounding the alarm on the parallels of China under Mao and and what she sees happening now in her adopted country of America.

They offered a very dynamic glimpse into how Marxism is in America but most importantly, why the time to take a stand is NOW.

The program recording will be posted once available.

We are proud to name Ulmus Academy (Quincy, IL) and Faith Christian Academy (Naperville, IL) as our 1st quarter charitable pledge recipients. Awake

Americans has pledged $4k to each school--both of which take zero government money while expanding academic enrichment across Illinois. Our annual goal is to gift at least $20,000 in total charitable contributions this year.

Thanks to the Young America's Foundation for attending the event.

Special thanks again to our sponsors Dr. James Economos, Dave and Lynn Ulrich, and Foundation for the Restoration of America for supporting this incredible launch event. Please continue to share the scholarship opportunity with parents who have students aged 16+.

As a newly installed member of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce, our organization is proud to support our headquarter community by spending

almost $20,000 on hotel, meals, and entertainment over a 24 hour period.

Dr. James Lindsay especially enjoyed a birthday treat of bananas foster at Sullivan's steakhouse in downtown Naperville on Monday.

In order to fulfill our advocacy mission and charitable pledges this quarter, please consider a tax deductible donation and share this link with your networks.

Once the event recording is ready, we will share it with you along with the "Woke 101 Toolkit" to guide you in advancing advocacy with courageous conversations. Stay tuned for podcast follow ups with each of our speakers in the coming weeks.

The time is now Declare our Independence from Woke.

How will you sign your name?

Onward for children, freedom, and faith.


Shannon Adcock, Steve Lucie, Scarlett Johnson, and Helen Levinson

Awake Americans Board of Directors


Awake Americans is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and charitable contributions are tax-deductible.
Our federal tax identification number is 92-2287115.

For 990 inquiries, please email

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